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Dаtе аddеd: 3.09.2012

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Release Date: October 4, 2011 . Changes in this release: New Features: · Supports new trigger modes for the USB2000+ and MayaPro spectrometers (version 3 or newer

64-Bit Windows If you have previously installed the 64-bit beta release of SpectraSuite, you must first uninstall SpectraSuite, plug your spectrometer in and then
Ocean Optics. 677 likes · 4 talking about this. Ocean Optics Introduces Miniature Spectrometer for Process and OEM Applications - Ocean Optics News
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Ocean Optics | Facebook Ocean Optics Software Ocean Optics - Inventor of the World's.
Ocean Optics is the inventor of the world's first miniature spectrometer and provides life-changing and innovative products for the discovery of the interaction of
Ocean Optics SpectraSuite SpectraSuite Release Notes - SpectraSuite.