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New Jersey Colony Society 13.07.2010 · General Society of Colonial Wars 144 Wapping Road Portsmouth, RI 02871 Hereditary Membership in the General Society of Colonial Wars is open to any male
Home - General Society of Colonial Wars
Society of colonial wars. Iowa
The Society of Colonial Wars in the State.
The Society of Colonial Wars perpetuates the memory of events in American Colonial History and of the people in military and civil positions who assisted in the
THE SOCIETY OF. COLONIAL WARS. In The State of New York. Home| Who We Are| History| Activities| Officers| Links| Membership

Who We Are. Wh0 Are We? THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS was incorporated in New York State on 7 October 1892. The Society is a historical
General Society of Colonial Wars © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
The Society of Colonial Wars perpetuates the memory of events in American Colonial History and of the people in military and civil positions who assisted in the
Society of colonial wars. Iowa
Colonial Society in America Women in Colonial SocietyThe Society of Colonial Wars in.
The Society of Colonial Wars in the State.