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Date of placement: 4.09.2012

Fabra P.R. 1985 Differenciacion entre Onthophagus similes Scriba y Onthophagus opacicollis Reitter Graellsia 41:31-42 Fabra P.R. 2004 Nuevos datos sobre Aphodius
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Online Library of Liberty - CHAPTER XXV:.
References dealing with the higher classification of Tenebrionidae (updated from Bouchard et al. 2005) Patrice Bouchard
Seneca Tod
Tenebrionidae References - Tree of Life.
[nota bene : on excusera le caractère lacunaire de ce recensement, en voie de constitution. Pour toute correction, ajout, remarque etc. merci d’écrire à son
The Online Library of Liberty is provided in order to encourage the study of the ideal of a society of free and responsible individuals by making freely available on
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